回复: [8.21]画火车的画家
Malcolm Root 画家自述: I was born in Colchester on 12th. September 1950 and have lived in Halstead, north Essex ever since. I left school at sixteen and trained as a printing apprentice with a view to a career in design and typography. I left the printing trade in 1981 to become a full time artist. Although I have had several small exhibitions in the early days, commissions followed on a regular basis so that I was always kept very busy. I was elected to full membership of the Guild of Railway Artists in 1983, and have had pictures hung in their prestigious exhibitions. Various paintings of mine have also been published in books and magazines, culminating in a book of my own paintings titled 'The Railway Paintings of Malcolm Root' by Mac Hawkins. My hobbies include football, though only as a spectator these days, cycling and local history. My greatest interest, however, is in mid twentieth century transport and its impact on the ordinary person. Trains and buses were used by the majority and independence only came to the lucky few who were fortunate enough to own a car . Travelling in those days seemed to be both more leisurely and more exciting - far removed from today's stressful and traffic laden roads. Fortunately my home town had its own station and I have very fond memories of travelling by train, if only on a branch line. At present I am busy painting for Calendars, Collectors' Plates, and Limited Edition Prints, as well as trying to keep up with commissioned work.