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本页主题: [摄影]One Hundred Years of Photography from the National Archives(图大, 小猫慎入) 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


级别: 大师
精华: 223
发帖: 0
人品: 30
电影票: 12865
总资产: 12865
在线等级: 在线等级:1 级
在线时长:13.89 小时
升级剩余时间:7 小时

回复: [摄影]One Hundred Years of Photography from the National Archives(图大, 小猫慎入)

By an unkown photographer,
July 18, 1928.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoover paid a visit to President and Mrs. Coolidge at the Summer White House,
Brule, Wisconsin.
1999 print.
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library.

顶端 Posted: 2003-07-25 13:04 | 30 楼

级别: 大师
精华: 223
发帖: 0
人品: 30
电影票: 12865
总资产: 12865
在线等级: 在线等级:1 级
在线时长:13.89 小时
升级剩余时间:7 小时

回复: [摄影]One Hundred Years of Photography from the National Archives(图大, 小猫慎入)

By Lewis Hine, 1930.
Old-timer, -- keeping up with the boys. Many structural workers are above middle-age. Empire State [Building].
New York City, New York.
1998 print.
Records of the Work Projects Administration.

顶端 Posted: 2003-07-25 13:05 | 31 楼

级别: 大师
精华: 223
发帖: 0
人品: 30
电影票: 12865
总资产: 12865
在线等级: 在线等级:1 级
在线时长:13.89 小时
升级剩余时间:7 小时

回复: [摄影]One Hundred Years of Photography from the National Archives(图大, 小猫慎入)

By an unknown photographer,
ca. 1941-45.
Alonzo Bankston is a furnace operator in the TVA plan producing carbide for use in plants manufacturing
synthetic rubber.
Vintage print.
Records of the Office of War Information.

顶端 Posted: 2003-07-25 13:06 | 32 楼

级别: 大师
精华: 223
发帖: 0
人品: 30
电影票: 12865
总资产: 12865
在线等级: 在线等级:1 级
在线时长:13.89 小时
升级剩余时间:7 小时

回复: [摄影]One Hundred Years of Photography from the National Archives(图大, 小猫慎入)

By an unknown photographer,
May 14, 1943
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill at the presidential retreat Shangri, La.
1999 digital print.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library.

顶端 Posted: 2003-07-25 13:06 | 33 楼

级别: 大师
精华: 223
发帖: 0
人品: 30
电影票: 12865
总资产: 12865
在线等级: 在线等级:1 级
在线时长:13.89 小时
升级剩余时间:7 小时

回复: [摄影]One Hundred Years of Photography from the National Archives(图大, 小猫慎入)

By Lt. Victor Jorgensen,
May 1945.
Pvt. J.B. Slagle, USA, receives
his daily dressing of wounds
on board USS SOLACE enroute from
Okinawa to Guam.
1999 digital print.
General Records of the Department of the Navy, 1798-1947.

顶端 Posted: 2003-07-25 13:08 | 34 楼

级别: 大师
精华: 223
发帖: 0
人品: 30
电影票: 12865
总资产: 12865
在线等级: 在线等级:1 级
在线时长:13.89 小时
升级剩余时间:7 小时

回复: [摄影]One Hundred Years of Photography from the National Archives(图大, 小猫慎入)

By Cecil Stoughton,
February 23, 1962.
President John F. Kennedy viewing astronaut John Glenn's
space capsule, Friendship 7.
1999 print.
John F. Kennedy Library.

顶端 Posted: 2003-07-25 13:08 | 35 楼

级别: 大师
精华: 223
发帖: 0
人品: 30
电影票: 12865
总资产: 12865
在线等级: 在线等级:1 级
在线时长:13.89 小时
升级剩余时间:7 小时

回复: [摄影]One Hundred Years of Photography from the National Archives(图大, 小猫慎入)

By Nan E. Elliot, 1979.
When immigrant labor was cheap, some coal companies took the view that miners were easy to replace. Today, as this sign indicates, the health and safety of miners have become important concerns in the coalfields. Pike County, Kentucky.
1999 digital print.
Records of Temporary Committees, Commissions, and Boards.

顶端 Posted: 2003-07-25 13:09 | 36 楼

级别: 大师
精华: 223
发帖: 0
人品: 30
电影票: 12865
总资产: 12865
在线等级: 在线等级:1 级
在线时长:13.89 小时
升级剩余时间:7 小时

回复: [摄影]One Hundred Years of Photography from the National Archives(图大, 小猫慎入)

By Pete Souza, April 8, 1986
President Ronald Reagan riding his horse
El Alamein at Rancho Del Cielo.
1999 print from the original color negative.
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library,
National Archives and Records Administration.

顶端 Posted: 2003-07-25 13:10 | 37 楼

级别: 大师
精华: 223
发帖: 0
人品: 30
电影票: 12865
总资产: 12865
在线等级: 在线等级:1 级
在线时长:13.89 小时
升级剩余时间:7 小时

回复: [摄影]One Hundred Years of Photography from the National Archives(图大, 小猫慎入)

顶端 Posted: 2003-07-25 13:11 | 38 楼
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